Thursday, September 6, 2012

Never Take Love For Granted

Love doesn't demand to be loved back, but it doesn't mean it exists to be taken for granted. The love you have for someone else shouldn't demand to be loved back.

When someone loves you back, they should love you back because they truly feel the same way about you, and in fact, this is the only way to get the love back you so demand.

Be careful when you may think that someone is taking your love for granted. Just because someone doesnt love you in the manner that you would deem acceptable or equal, doesnt mean that they dont love you the same.

Different people do have different ways to show their love. When we love we should never do so just to earn credits of love back.

We should love from the heart because it is what our hearts tell us to do. Your worth will show through eventually when you put enough in, and soon enough you will know if your love will ever be reciprocated back in the manner that you want it to.

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