Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thank For His Blessings

Thank you God for blessing me more than I deserve. Every day that we breath new life is a blessing that we don't deserve.

We serve a mighty god, a great God that has given us dominion on earth and his unmerited grace so that we can feel like we are good enough, even when things seem to be going haywire in our lives.

Our God is a God of love and as we are made in his image, we should celebrate, and praise him for the fact that he didn't have to do anything for us.

He could have let us die, he could have let us suffer, be he saved us!

He could have let us go through things that we would have never been able to handle, but he chose to never put more on us than we can handle. Our God is merciful and mighty, and he expects for us to acknowledge him. Not only does he want our praise, he deserves our praise, so be sure to show him that you are thankful in whatever way you see fit!

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